Water And Wastewater Treatment Plants
Brewster WWTP (Current)
The Brewster WWTP project includes rehabilitation of the influent pump station and forcemain, replacement of screening and UV equipment, a new grit removal system and building, replacement of sludge pumps, rehabilitation of an existing clarifier and electrical
improvements. The project also includes approximately 1,300 LF of gravity sewer installation to extend the pre-existing sewer line.
Cheney Purple Pipe Reclaimed Water Storage & Pump Station (Current)
The Cheney Purple Pipe Reclaimed Water Storage & Pump Station project includes the installation of a floating membrane cover to an existing reservoir. In cluded the construction of a new Pump station including masonry building, piping, pumps and deep wetwell.
Ephrata WWTP (Current)
The Ephrata WWTP project includes the modification, improvement, and upgrade of almost every part of the plant. Including new UV, pump station, oxidation ditch, headworks, clarifiers, digestors, membranes, conveyors and solids handling.
Cheney WWTP Final Treatment (Current)
The Cheney WWTP project is an ongoing construction of a New Final treatment Building, pump station and associated civil, piping, equipment, electrical and control work. Work has been going well and should be finished up by 2025.
Richland Aeration Basin
The Richland Aeration Basin project consists of the alterations of the two existing aeration basins, the expansion of the existing Blower building, and the associated piping and equipment installation.
Richland RAS Pump
The Richland RAS Pump project is the removal and replacement of 2 screw pumps including new gates and actuators at the pump RAS pump station at the WWTP.
Pierce WWTP Improvements Phase 2
The Pierce WWTP project is the modification of the existing treatment system including yard piping, mechanical piping, new clarifier, new aeration, and structural work. This also includes electrical, instrumentation and controls and other work required for a complete and fully functioning facility.
Pasco WWTP Improvements Phase 1
The Pasco WWTP project consists of improvements and modifications to the City’s existing municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) which includes furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the construction of new primary effluent structures and piping, two new aeration basins, alterations to two existing aeration basins, a blower building expansion, addition of two new blowers, modifications to two existing blowers, RAS pump system distribution improvements, a new effluent flowmeter facility, approximately 1,150 feet of new 42-inch diameter outfall piping, new primary power switchgear, associated electrical and control systems, associated site work and yard piping, and other appurtenances.
Lewiston WWTP 2020 Improvements
The Lewiston WWTP project is the improvements to the City of Lewiston's existing WWTP. This work includes improvements to the North Shore Pump Station, Primary Clarifiers, Primary Sludge Pumping, Aeration Basins, Blowers, RAS/WAS Pump Station, Secondary Clarifiers, Sludge Holding Tanks, Dissolved Air Flotation, and UV disinfection System. Also, the construction of a new Primary Clarifier and new Secondary clarifier were included in our scope of work. Demolition , as well as construction of concrete and masonry wall buildings, piping, electrical systems, control systems, site work, misc. appurtenant work, and installation of mechanical equipment such as pumps, grinders, washer/compactors, dissolved air flotation thickener, clarifier mechanisms, blowers, diffusers, compressors, and other miscellaneous equipment.
Pierce Water and Wastewater Improvements Phase 1
The Pierce Water and Wastewater Improvements Phase 1 project included wastewater gravity system improvements including installation of new sewer pipes and manholes. Improvements to the wastewater treatment included a new solids dewatering facility, screw press, polymer feed system and bio-solid pumping system. Water treatment system upgrades included a new backwash treatment system with bolted steel storage tank, gravity piping, and all appurtenances.
Pasco Columbia East Pump Station
The Pasco Columbia East Pump Station project involved constructing a new below-grade pump station including cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures, immersible pump systems, heating and ventilation, electrical service, power distribution, and instrumentation and controls. The control system was housed in an electrical building with CMU block construction and a metal roof.
Mt Spokane Park Drive Pump Station
The Mt Spokane Park Drive Pump Station project included the construction of a new sanitary sewer pump station on Spokane County property south of Mt. Spokane Park Drive. Construction included one submersible pump station including a pre-cast wetwell, CMU building, submersible pumps, gravity and force mains to property boundaries, a natural gas generator, automatic transfer switch, site electrical, odor control unit, landscaping, and mechanical facilities.
The Inland Empire Paper - Equalization Tanks & Pump Station project included the construction of two 100' diameter, 20' tall equalization tanks and a pump station. This project required the construction of a new temporary road around the tanks.
Crescent Bar Island WWTP
The Crescent Bar Island WWTP project was the complete installation of a new aero-mod waste water plant. This included construction of a headworks, operations building, multiple tanks, a pump station, sludge drying beds, a UV canopy and required tying into existing influent and effluent piping.
Liberty Lake WRF Phase 2 Upgrade
The Liberty Lake WRF project involved the construction and installation of headworks modifications, site piping, a new filtration building with concrete process basins, a new membrane filtration system, site electrical work, site earthwork, paving, roofing, coating repairs, and control systems.

Spokane Riverside WRF NLT S-01
The Spokane Riverside WRF NLT project included the demolition of existing structures, construction of a new clarifier, as well as structural concrete placement for both the primary solids pump station and the chemical storage building.
Pullman Air Gap Pump Station
The Pullman Air Gap project consisted of furnishing and installing a pre-fabricated air gap pump station at the wastewater treatment plant, along with associated pipe work, site electrical, and instrumentation necessary to create a complete and effective system.
Pasco WWTP Primary Clarifier Upgrade
The Pasco Primary Clarifier Upgrade project consisted of two new primary clarifiers cast-in-place, a new sludge pumping room, scum pump station, and modifications to existing headworks channel. This project included all associated mechanical, electrical, yard piping, and miscellaneous site work.

Milton-Freewater WWTP Improvements
The Milton Freewater WWTP project included the construction of a new sludge digester, operation building and upgrades to existing structures. The trickling filter equipment was replaced, a new scum removal system was installed in the clarifier, existing control buildings were upgraded, and associated piping and equipment was installed.
Coeur d'Alene WWTP Phase 5C.1
The Coeur d' Alene WWTP project the construction of a new tertiary membrane filtration equipment building; new mixing, aeration, and membrane tanks; and secondary effluent transfer pumping station. The project included both above and below ground cast-in-place tanks along with buildings that incorporated complicated piping penetrations and building connections.
Clarkston WWTP Improvements
The Clarkston WWTP project was the expansion of an existing WWTP facility in the City of Clarkston, WA. Clearwater's scope included the new headwork's, grit removal chamber, anoxic basin, aeration basin, and two new clarifiers.
Electric City Arsenic Treatment Plant
The Electric City Arsenic Plant project involved building a new $1.3M media filtration system to service all of the water needs for the Electric City, WA. Construction on the plant included a building, filtration skid, control system, SCADA, and a cast-in-place backwash tank.
Lapwai WWTP
The Lapwai WWTP project was a $4.5M green field WWTP located in Lapwai, Idaho, and was built under a joint contract with the City of Lapwai and the Nez Perce Tribe. The completed project included the installation of a new Class A discharge membrane filtration facility from the headworks through the plant effluent piping. The project also required an onsite testing laboratory, office, sludge pumping system, sludge press, and backup generator.
Bozeman WWTP Expansion
The Bozeman WWTP project was the expansion of the existing City of Bozeman Waste Water Treatment Plant. The project added two new primary clarifiers, a new bioreactor, and a primary effluent pump station.
Entiat WWTP
The Entiat WWTP project involved the construction of a new Bioreactor as part of the expansion of the existing plant.
Steven's PUD Septage Reuse Facility
The Stevens PUD Septage Reuse Facility project was a septage storage tank built in Valley, WA, with a volume of 1,000,000 gallons. The procurement mechanism on the project was design/build. We worked closely with Coffman Engineering of Spokane to work through issues involving the sites low soil bearing capacity and the need for the tank to be buried after construction.